Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hood to Coast?

Panther let me know if this isn't the right place to post, but. . .  Anyone up for an all night West Coast Relay next year?  I'm trying to pull together a team for the 2009 Hood to Coast relay.  The team is made up of 10-12 runners, where I have 5 confirmed and a few dangling  maybes.  I'd like to get 5 more confirmed, or as confirmed as one can be a year in the making.  The rules allow for team substitutions to accommodate life events, like having babies, or nagging injuries and such.  Below are two links have a look and let me know if you're in.




Suellen (Scout) Adams said...

This looks kinda cool...and it takes place in plenty of time before I have to be back on the other coast for the start of the fall semester. I'm not terribly competitive speed-wise at the moment, but I might consider being on a team that wanted to do this for fun. Just sayin'

aj said...

The more the merrier. I think most of us just want to do this because it seems crazy. The team is up to 7 or 8 so let me know.

Suellen (Scout) Adams said...

I think Glenda is going to talk to you when she sees you...but we've decided the two of us are in if there is still room on the team...just because it is nuts. :-)

aj said...

Great! I'll talk with Glenda on Saturday, or Tuesday for sure.

Singlespeed said...

Here's a New York Times article about the race. The Hood to Coast race sounds more like a party than a race.


Suellen (Scout) Adams said...

All the better!