Saturday, August 9, 2008

Call me "Scout"

Ever since I managed to get lost on the beach mile a week or so ago Slingshot has been calling me "Scout." Like if I make a wrong turn going somewhere, or am late for something it is "Get lost again Scout?" This penchant for finding new (and longer) routes is something I've had pretty much all my life. Finally bought a GPS for my car in New England because I was lost so often.

When running it often happens when I feel least like coping with during a relatively brutal (for me) long run today, when I sort of skipped a direction and added about a mile to my distance. You'd think a college professor could at least READ for heaven's sake!

But I am proud of two things, I didn't get lost on the cemetery loops (of course Panther was all over the place providing direction) and I didn't get lost on the track during Yasso 800s...of course I had you all in sight and Slingshot yelling "Turn left!! Just think Nascar!!"

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